This article accompanies the quiz 'The Overcall'. An overcall is a bid of a new suit after your opponent opened the bidding, at any level. In this article we'll concentrate […]...
Jouez au tournoi instantané gratuit de cette semaine et comparez-vous au multiple champion national australien et représentant Peter Hollands. Allez dans Tournois instantanés > Tournoi instantané hebdomadaire gratuit pour [...]....
This weekend’s Super Dimanche Daylong winners are: mattopo with a score of 80.53%, rosadi12 in second place with 80.14% and newzat111 in third with 79.53%. 21526 players registered to play the Super Dimanche […]...
Hanoi5 est Hanoi Rondón, professeur de bridge et directeur académique de la Federación Chilena de Bridge. Semanalmente nos trae su enfrentamiento con los robots en el Torneo Instantáneo Gratuito Semanal. [...]...
Hanoi5 est Hanoi Rondón, professeur de bridge et directeur académique de la fédération chilienne Bridge . Il nous apporte son rallye hebdomadaire pour le 100% avec les robots dans le Weekly Free Instant [...]....
Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck! What will you bid […]...
Au nom de toute l'équipe de BBO, nous voulons vous dire un grand merci. Merci à vous qui faites partie de la grande famille qu'est BBO. Grâce à vous, 2022 […]...
Calling all BBO Prime members; make sure to join the free monthly Prime Tournament on the 28th of each month. There's Video Chat, jokes, contests, random prizes and deal analysis […]...
It's been a good while since I played with Gene Benedict, my good friend from Toledo. But this Dimanche, 12/19, smack-dab in the middle of the World Cup Finals (perhaps […]...
Here's some great news for all of you who love to play Acol (and we know you are many), an Acol Daylong Tournament has just been launched. This is an […]...
Deborah Smith (Fizzcat on BBO) won the WBF Women's Autumn Festival 2022. We caught up with her to find out more. Could you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m […]...