Barry Goren Wins the 2025 Janvier's Stars and Platinum

The first Stars & Platinum 3-Day Robot Individual tournament of 2025 has just finished. As you might know, we use interesting deals in this tournament to make it even more exciting and challenging for our top players. Let’s take a look at who came out on top this month:

Congratulations to Barry Goren (poohbear), a star player from Las Vegas, USA, for taking the top spot against more than a thousand elite players with an overall score of 63.99%. Barry started strong on Day 1 with 64.13%, followed with an even stronger score of 70.44% on Day 2, and finished with 57.39%, which kept his nose ahead to secure the grand prize. Well done, Barry!

In second place is Tien-Chun Yang (tcyang) from San Jose, CA, USA, who finished with 63.55%, very close behind Barry. Tien-Chun started with 61.02% on Day 1, scored 65.99% on Day 2, and finished with 63.63% on Day 3, showing a very consistent performance.

Coming in third is another familiar name on BBO podiums, Jingsong Liu (zilon) from Washington, USA, who finished with an overall score of 62.64%. Jingsong started with 56.67% on Day 1, improved to 66.77% on Day 2, and kept strong on Day 3 with 64.49%, securing his spot on the podium.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this month’s Stars & Platinum tournament. Congratulations to all the prize winners listed below!

See you in the next month's challenge, where we’ll have more exciting deals and plenty of fun vibes. See you there!

Overall Results

RankPlayerPaysScore (%)PointsPrize
1oursonUSA63.9938.29100 BB$
2tcyangUSA63.5541.5850 BB$
3zilonUSA62.6434.4720 BB$
4taligaHungary61.3531.5510 BB$
4jmundayUSA61.3331.0610 BB$
6zhenya__SUSA61.2930.7610 BB$
7ashdown4USA61.1130.6410 BB$
8bradybotUSA60.9330.0510 BB$
9bob5ngUSA60.7622.0310 BB$
10ferda64Türkiye60.7527.1510 BB$

Day 1

RankPlayerPaysScore (%)PointsPrize
1SweevilUSA72.3317.610 BB$
2bob5ngUSA69.5717.2910 BB$
3glensaSouth Africa68.471710 BB$

Day 2

RankPlayerPaysScore (%)PointsPrize
1oursonUSA70.4417.610 BB$
2yuval10Israel68.1717.2910 BB$
3blambert1Canada67.61710 BB$

Day 3

RankPlayerPaysScore (%)PointsPrize
1FarrukhPakistan67.8117.610 BB$
2strei1USA65.1217.2910 BB$
3profikhoSingapore65.021710 BB$

Click here to see the overall results.

Overall Results

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Festival. Remember, the BBOers Festival starts on the first Lundi of every month and runs for 3 days. See you all next month for more fun and fierce competition.

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