Share Your Bridge Story and Win BB$!

We all love to read about how bridge has had a positive impact on people's lives, and because of this we want to share regular good news stories with the bridge community. We'll be publishing a new story every week as part of our weekly newsletter, and here's where you come in. If you have an interesting, inspiring, or funny bridge story, then please share it with us. If your story is selected to be featured in the Weekly Newsletter we'll show our appreciation with BB$!

How It Works:

  • Submit Your Story: Send us your best bridge story through a form below. It could be about a memorable game, a story of your first tournament ever, how you met your partner, a funny moment in bridge, or how bridge has impacted your life. Maybe you even found love at the table! Basically, anything goes, as long as it is about bridge.
  • Weekly Feature: Each week, we will select one story to be featured in the Bridge Lover's Weekly Newsletter and on our social media channels. If your story is not selected for the following week, don't worry, we will be storing away the best ones and will release them over time.
  • Get BB$: For every story selected, you will receive 10 BB$ when the story is published. If you include your photo or a picture related to your story you'll get 15 BB$!
Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Share your love for bridge, connect with fellow bridge enthusiasts and inspire others. #ILoveBridge

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please read the following terms before submitting your content:

Consent for Use: By submitting your content (including video, audio or photos), you grant BBO the right to use, reproduce, display, and distribute your content on our blog, social media platforms, and other channels.

No Compensation: You acknowledge that your participation is voluntary and that you will not receive financial compensation for your content submission. However, if your story is published you will receive 10BB$, or 15BB$ if you also supply a photo that is suitable to be used with the story.

Revocation of Consent: You understand that you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. To do so, please contact us at

Privacy and Data Protection: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your personal information will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy at, and your content will be used solely for the purposes outlined above.

By submitting your content, you agree to these terms.

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