ACBL 0-1500 Pairs are here!

Nous avons élargi les jeux quotidiens de l'ACBL pour ajouter 6 nouveaux tournois pour paires à notre programme, réservés aux joueurs n'ayant pas plus de 1500 Masterpoints® de l'ACBL.

There are six new 18-board 0-1500 pair games available, at 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 4:30 PM, 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM US Eastern Time. The entry fee is 2.49 BB$ and you must have an ACBL number on file with BBO to be able to register.

Si vous devez mettre à jour votre numéro ACBL, vous pouvez le faire en cliquant ici.

Visitez ACBL World et utilisez la boîte de recherche en haut pour chercher "0-1500". Les jeux sont ouverts à l'inscription 2 heures avant l'heure de début.

3 comments on “ACBL 0-1500 Pairs are here!”

  1. Thanks, I know you are right. I still have less than 200 points but I remember playing in person at my club with the“open” group and finding that I learned a lot more that way. So now with your advice and encouragement I will venture with my partner into the under 1500 group:)

  2. This looks like a winner for a lot of players -- my caution is that you not just play in these limited games, lest you not learn what you'll need to know when you cross the 1500 point line. Develop skills by playing against better players and asking questions.

    Not mentioned in the article -- will the games be stratified (say, 499, 999, 1500) for point awards?

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