Bidding - A Million and Counting
Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck! This article was written […]...
Time Change Alert
Attention BBOers, We want to remind you that Daylight Saving Time (DST) is about to start or has already started in many countries around the world, and this has implications […]...
Video: When 2NT Isn't A Raise
Responding to partner's major; 2NT is usually a raise but not if there is interference. Play this week’s Free Instant Tournament then see how you compare to multiple Australian National […]...
Vídeo: La búsqueda del 100% XLVII
Hanoi5 es Hanoi Rondón, profesor de bridge y Director Académico de la Federación Chilena de Bridge . Nos trae su mitin semanal por el 100% con los robots en el Instante Semanal Gratuito [...]...
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