Quiz - The Takeout Double

Learn and Practice

This quiz was written by Oren Lidor to accompany the article 'The Takeout Double'

Have a go at playing when playing sitting second seat, after opening at the first level. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise.

Takeout Double

Takeout Double

1) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: Pass

Your hand isn’t suitable for a takeout double as you don’t have 3+ cards in Spades and you aren’t short in Hearts. Therefore, pass with a minimum opening like this. If your left opponent passes too, then it’s likely that partner will reopen the bidding.

2) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: Dbl

This time your hand is perfect for a takeout double: you’ve 12+ points, shortness in Spades, and tolerance for all other suits.

3) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 3NT

You have 13 points and your partner promised 12+. Therefore you have game values (= 25 points together). You also have 2 stoppers in Heart = Bid 3NT. And what about Spades? – You don’t need to have stoppers in Spades, only in opponent's suit (+ Partner is likely to bring good Spades).

4) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 2♠

This time you don’t have a stopper in your opponent's suit; but you do have game values, so you need to bid 2♠. This is a cue bid, and it shows your strength and lets partner know that you’re going to game. If partner bids 3 you need to respond 4. If they bid 2NT you need to respond 3NT.

5) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: Pass

Partner promised 0-8 points, so you need to PASS. You’re clearly don’t have game values, and you’re also far from a 3 invitational bid which would be telling partner to raise to 4 if they had a maximum hand. You showed your hand by doubling, forcing partner to bid.

6) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 4

And now you have 5 cards in Hearts on top of at least the 3 cards that partner promised. You can also count at least 25 points together; with 25 points and 8+ cards in Hearts you want to be in 4.

7) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: Pass

Now you’re very strong in points and in opponent's suit (and partner has an opening hand so they’ll be able to win tricks too) so you need to PASS. This leaves partner's double as penalty. Your best chance to score points is on defense. If you’re vulnerable and opponent isn’t, then consider bidding 3NT (but, PASS could still be the best option).

8) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 2

You’re on a free bid and even though you don’t have to bid, you still want to. Partner has 3-4 cards in Hearts; it’s a sure fit and you want to compete part score, so bid 2.

9) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 2

You’re too strong for an overcall and you’ve a big double hand (a super overcall), which is why you chose to double first.
Partner's 2♣ bid "promised" 0-8 points. If you had a normal opening, you would’ve passed 2♣ now. By bidding 2 on your second bid you’re showing 17-20 points and 5+ cards in Hearts.

10) What will you bid?

Correct Answer: 4

Your partner showed a big double hand with 17-20 points and 5 cards in Hearts, so bid 4. You’ve at least 8 cards in Hearts and 25+ points (the maximum for your 0-8 points bid).

Sobre el autor

Oren Lidor está considerado uno de los mejores profesores de bridge en Israel, es autor de 5 libros de bridge y enseña bridge a personas de todo el mundo en BBO.

7 comments on “Quiz - The Takeout Double”
  1. +1 for 2!S on board 6 (would have scored 10/10 if that was correct).

    With an unlimited ptnr, don't understand the need to rush with such a strong hand. With 25 pts, we want to be in 4!H, but with potentially so much more, and probably no wasted values in !ss, we may want to be in slam.

  2. On problem 6, 4h should be a preemptive sort of hand with a lot of playing tricks in a self-sufficient H suit. Otherwise, if partner has a rock-crusher, there is no way for him to distinguish the hand you gave from something like KQJ seventh of H and out. No reason not to start with 2S here, too.

    1. Hi Harikannan, yes sure, the intention is that no one is vulnerable in these hands. If they are then it will be included. 🙂

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