2020 Fall NAOBC Winners
Open Teams1. LEVINE (Mike Levine, Eddie Wold, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell, Geir Helgemo, Tor Helness)2. KOLESNIK (Finn Kolesnik, Jacob Freeman, Bob Hamman, Peter Weichsel, Bart Bramley, Kit Woolsey) 0-5000 Teams 1. TODD (Katherine Todd, Marcel Verh...
Happy Thanksgiving Day
Let's get together on Thursday, November 26, and celebrate in the Thanksgiving Day Tournament, hosted by Aurora. How to Celebrate? Spend time with family and friends. Eat cake! For breakfast, lunch and dinner. […]...
Sunday: Hello Day Tournament
Let’s say "Hello" not only to our friends but also to our opponents and to our TDs on Sunday, November 22, in the Hello Day Tournament, hosted by Aurora. How to Celebrate? Say, […]...