Exclusive Express Games, Décembre 28, 2024 to Janvier 1st Come and join the 2025 New Year’s Countdown with a new twist of everyone's favorite games: Express. In these brand new […]...
Ring in the New Year with Exclusive Holiday ACBL Games on BBO Get ready to enjoy two exciting new ACBL games that are only available during the New Year’s Countdown, […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Twenty years ago Tony Forrester wrote a bridge tip about the power of the closed hand, and how declarer can generate tricks if […]...
Cette énigme a été écrite par Julian Pottage et a été publiée à l'origine dans le livre Play or Defend ? 68 Hands to Test Your Bridge Skill - vous pouvez découvrir tout [...]....
Certaines personnes vivent du bridge. Une poignée parvient même à bien en vivre. Mais, par rapport à la proportion de joueurs de bridge, le nombre de professionnels —que ce soit […]...
Join this Year-End Celebration Bridge Event The jam packed 2025 New Year's Countdown Bridge Event is almost here. Join friends on BBO for the final days of 2024, packed with […]...
Some people make a living from bridge. A select few even manage to make a good one. But compared to the size of the bridge-playing population, the number of people […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As a defender, whenever you hold the trump queen, you look for ways to protect it. Similarly, when you can infer that declarer […]...
A propos de l'auteur Oren Lidor est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs professeurs de bridge en Israël. Il est l'auteur de 5 livres sur bridge et enseigne bridge à des personnes venant de partout dans le monde.
In tutti i tornei con HOST BBOITALIA che trovate ogni giorno su BBO, verranno assegnati Punti BBOITALIA, utili per scalare le classifiche mensili e convertibili nei premi del nostro catalogo. […]...
Dear Player, As 2024 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to thank you for making BBO more than just a bridge platform. It’s your passion and […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Michael Seamon of Florida is part of one of the most distinguished families of bridge, four of his family having participated successfully in […]...