This month, we cover some low-level doubles, starting with one which has many different names. DSI DOUBLESThis isn’t an official name, but maybe it will become so. “DSI” stands for […]...
Nicolas Lhuissier reports on the Australian Championship (Teams, IMPs). You are in the shoes of Sartaj Hans, a very good Australian player. Your objectiveis to make 3 No-Trump without seeking […]...
Alain Lévy takes a look at 3 bridge problems and goes through exactly what went wrong North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two […]...
During the week of Februar 19-25 the regular ACBL Speedball MP Pairs at 11:00AM and 3:00PM, and the 8PM Speedball IMP will be upgraded to ACBL Club Championship Games. What […]...
Quand il s’agit de se préparer pour un tournoi important, il faut considérer les aspects techniques, physiques et psychologiques. Il n'y a pas de conseil universel car chaque joueur apporte […]...
Dans le cadre de la semaine de l’innovation qui s’est tenue au début du mois de janvier, nous avons décidé de vous parler de l’équipe de développement et de leur […]...
We are back in the national capital, Canberra, for the Australian Summer Festival. The National Open Teams will begin in a couple of days, but the focus for now is […]...
We return to the Summer Festival in the Australian capital, Canberra. Before the National Open Teams begins later in the week, it is the final of the playoffs to see […]...
Welcome back to the central Indian city of Jabalpur, the venue for the 65th Indian Winter National Championships. The main event of this week-long festival is the Open Teams for […]...
Welcome to Jabalpur, a city about the size of Dallas, Texas in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps most notable as the reputed birthplace of the game of […]...
Cliquez ici pour retrouver l'ensemble des "À qui la faute ?" La paire Nord-Sud a déclaré un très mauvais contrat. Comme souvent, chacun des deux joueurs pense que son partenaire […]...
This weekend’s Super Sonntag Daylong winners are: plieber with a score of 82.3%, jordotron in second place with 82.05% and engsetter1 in third with 80.41%. 23012 players registered to play the Super Sonntag […]...