The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As West you witness your opponents blast into four spades. Dummy could have a spade void on this auction, and you would prefer […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: Diamond jack When North shows a constructive raise of hearts, South makes a splinter-bid of three spades to show slam interest […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In today’s deal from our themed week, West kicks off with the diamond nine against South’s optimistic four spades. East figures that is […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff This hand, from a 2005 Bermuda Bowl meeting between Italy and Netherlands, features an expert second-hand defensive play by Lorenzo Lauria that was […]...
Winner of April's Stars & Platinum shares his strategy Congratulations go to Cono Emanuele from USA who topped the podium in the April's Stars & Platinum, one of the great […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Today’s themed deal was played in the Dutch Premier League. Opening Lead: Diamond Queen Against four spades Sjoert Brink led a top diamond. […]...
Dieses Quiz wurde von Oren Lidor geschrieben. Über den Autor Oren Lidor gilt als einer der besten bridge Lehrer in Israel, ist der Autor von 5 bridge Büchern und unterrichtet [...]...
Larry Cohen focuses on the aids to slam bidding, starting with a first look at one of the most famous conventions of them all. Once a partnership is in the […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Today's deal revolves around unusual second-hand plays in defense to suit contracts. Since the adage: ‘second hand low, third hand high,’ is so […]...
(Click here if you'd like to read Part 2 first) When we play a session of bridge there’s more than one way to have an average game, and here are […]...
This conundrum was written by Jeff Bayone and was originally published in the book, A Taste of Bridge - you can find out all about it further down the page. About […]...
Cliquez ici pour retrouver l'ensemble des "À qui la faute ?" La paire Nord-Sud a déclaré un très mauvais contrat. Comme souvent, chacun des deux joueurs pense que son partenaire […]...