Win Double Black Masterpoints® in your virtual club Join the Grass Roots FUNd games from Mai 6-12 and get the opportunity to support your district AND earn double black points. […]...
Situated along the Wild Atlantic Way on the West Coast of Ireland, Galway is a vibrant city of music, arts, and culture. Amongst its many accolades, Galway was voted Europe’s […]...
Thanks to the generosity of Pierre Zimmermann, the EBL was able to launch a new event, the Winter Transnational Championships, in the famous alpine resort, Alpe d’Huez.48 teams ascended the […]...
Play online with your peers and earn black Masterpoints® along the way Imagine this: An online game where your opponents are those at your skill level. Where you and your partner […]...
This Mittwoch, Mai 1st, you'll get 25% off the entry fee for lots of BBO games. There are discounts on selected daylongs, express, and robot duplicate games. You can see […]...
(Cliquez ici pour lire la deuxième partie de cette série) Lorsqu’on joue un tournoi de bridge, il y a plus d’une scénarios qui peuvent nous conduire à avoir une mauvaise […]...
We invited our BBO Royals (players who've achieved the ranks , , , ) and BBO Masters (players holding the ranks , , etc.) to play in a special tournament on April 28. Congratulations to Aprils's Royals & […]...
This weekend’s Super Sonntag Daylong winners are: Imanov with a score of 84.95%, antmen99 in second place with 82.13% and alkim13 in third with 80.64%. 24607 players registered to play the Super Sonntag […]...
Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Für jede gute Antwort erhalten Sie Punkte und Ihre Gesamtpunktzahl wird zusammen mit Ihren guten Antworten angezeigt, sobald Sie eine Antwort gefunden haben....
Bobby Wolff answers your questions You hold: Partner opens three clubs, no one vulnerable. What would you bid?Pre-empted, Calgary, Alberta Partner opens one heart, you raise to two hearts, the […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As West you witness your opponents blast into four spades. Dummy could have a spade void on this auction, and you would prefer […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: Diamond jack When North shows a constructive raise of hearts, South makes a splinter-bid of three spades to show slam interest […]...