En ce moment même, je me trouve au festival de bridge de Pula, un événement que j’organise depuis plus de 20 ans. Ce festival, qui existe depuis 62 ans, est […]...
As I write this, I’m in the middle of the Pula Bridge Festival, which is my baby. I’ve been organizing it for over 20 years now (the festival itself has […]...
Oktober 28-31, Open to all Players It's time to get into the Halloween spirit as the Spooky Scratch Race is back. Finish at the top of the leaderboard to win […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Everybody knows how to take a finesse, right? Of course, part of bridge expertise is knowing when not to take a finesse. A […]...
Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Für jede gute Antwort erhalten Sie Punkte und Ihre Gesamtpunktzahl wird zusammen mit Ihren guten Antworten angezeigt, sobald Sie eine Antwort gefunden haben....
Unterstützen Sie Ihren Club während der Club Appreciation Week und verdoppeln Sie dabei Ihre schwarzen ACBL Masterpoints®! Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, in Ihrem üblichen virtuellen [...]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Over West’s two-heart pre-empt, North, with a balanced 16 points and a heart stopper, correctly bid two no-trump. The pre-emptive opening warns of […]...
Offen für Mitglieder des Distrikts 9 Seien Sie bei der spannenden Southwest Florida Online Regional am 12. Oktober dabei! Jetzt können Sie online teilnehmen, egal wo Sie sind. Online [...]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: ♥Q Consider the play in four spades today, a contract that looks likely to be comfortable until the heart ace turns […]...
This weekend’s Super Sonntag Daylong winners are: card_count with a score of 80.61%, Oroy in second place with 80.21% and KentJOH in third with 80.09%. 23668 players registered to play. See all the […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: ♣Q We have all played with partners who, as defenders, think it clever to win a trick with the higher of […]...