Hand of the day #155
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Everybody knows how to take a finesse, right? Of course, part of bridge expertise is knowing when not to take a finesse. A […]...
Hand of the day #154
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Over West’s two-heart pre-empt, North, with a balanced 16 points and a heart stopper, correctly bid two no-trump. The pre-emptive opening warns of […]...
Hand of the day #153
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: ♥Q Consider the play in four spades today, a contract that looks likely to be comfortable until the heart ace turns […]...
Hand of the day #152
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: ♣Q We have all played with partners who, as defenders, think it clever to win a trick with the higher of […]...
Hand of the day #151
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff We saw yesterday that there is rarely any hurry to take a finesse. If it can win at the start of the deal, […]...
Hand of the day #150
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff It takes most beginners a while to master the concept of the finesse, but once they have grasped the idea, they tend to […]...
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