Bridge Over Troubled Waters

How Bridge Became JB's Lifeline Through the Toughest Times

A story by BBOers 'ijabe'

I learned to play bridge in jail. I used to play contract whist, spades etc., in the streets where I Iearned the concept of trumps, card counting, table and partner play, and card sense, albeit to limited degrees when compared to Bridge.

The game rooms in prison had many game tables where, amongst other other activities, chess and the aforementioned precursors were played. A couple of the tables played "the game of kings". I was intrigued and slowly sidled up to them. I could hear the bidding, and the player interactions. The players were very competitive. I wanted to learn.

One of the tables gave me the impression of playing at a superior level to the other, so I focused on the other. Eventually I found a partner that was willing to play with me. My bad play drove him nuts. I could see him fume during games and when play was finished he would let me have it. Therein, however, he instructed me.

He must've felt that I had some aptitude because we continued the partnership. I found Goren in the library and began studying in my cell. I was mesmerized. It was a watershed moment in my life.

I must qualify at this time because, due to drug related issues, it wasn't my last visit to a penitentiary. But everytime thereafter Bridge helped me do my "bid". You see, I learned about bids before Bridge auctions. A bid is also a term for particular jail time stints.

I am 75 years old so the former happened in my youth and well before the information age. When technology became more robust I met BBO where I, with some trepidation, classify myself as Advanced. I mostly play the robots now but have around 1100 visits to partner play. I don't play tournaments and eschew purchase of BBO bucks. Be it as it may I play the robots every night and tolerate their quirk.

Maybe someday I'll find an online partner that can tolerate my bad play as my jailhouse buddy did back in the day. I'll just say that I now come with some skills.

Thank you allowing me to tell my story.

Have you ever found solace in Bridge during life's challenges? If so, please share it with us below 😉

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35 comments on “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”

    1. Did simple search. Description mentions "cut throat". I've played Cut Throat Spades & WhistWhist in the streets. Cut Throat refers to "every man for themselves (no partner play). Never played Cut Throat Bridge anywhere. W/o reading Pottage I would say that the variation deludes the game. Partner play is crucial.

  1. I begin my lessons by telling students that bridge is a game that fills a need, from social activity to top level competitive. Thanks to your story I’ll add to my many reasons to learn our wonderful game! You don’t need to be locked in jail, some of us are locked in by health issues and lack of access to f2f games — thanks BBO!

    1. Same here, also one hears and reads of so many negative events and episodes of the prison experience, that this is an unusual and positive outcome...
      Especially bridge 👍👍

      1. I came to find that Bridge is very popular in prison and too that it's played at high levels. There's a lot of brain power behind those walls. African Americans surprise me in particular.

      2. I must Thank B.B.O for giving all us bridge players.a place to play when all our clubs were closed.I will get back again when I feel well enough to do so .From Ireland 🇮🇪

  2. You have a great spirit and it must have taken some guts to do what you did, then to be generous enough to share your story with us. If we could all treat our partners with the respect you seem to have, we would make the game better for everyone.

    1. Great story, Goren was also my gamestarter. Hope you find a supportive partner ijabe. Partners are often the pits😩

        1. Susanaaaaaaaa. Que placer oir una voz latina. Una pregunta ?????? Como se dice Bridge (el juego) en Español?

      1. Before computers Goren had a daily article and game challenge on something called the Daily News in NYC. Leiselmari, , , great name. Yo soy Jesus Manuel Berrios in case your name Hispanic.

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