Les enchères au bridge #3 Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Pour chaque bonne réponse, vous obtiendrez 1 poin...
Test Your Bridge Skills #35 This quiz was written by Oren Lidor. About the Author Oren Lidor is considered one of the best ...
Decision at Trick 1 "Thank you partner, small please." How many times have you said this after seeing the dummy? It seem...
Quiz - Decision at Trick 1 Learn and Practice This quiz was written by Oren Lidor to accompany the article 'Decision at Tr...
Quiz - Trouvez la bonne main avec Julien Bernard 2/3 Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Vos obtiendrez 1 point si vous trouvez la bonne rÃ...
Test Your Bridge Skills #33 This quiz was written by Oren Lidor. About the Author Oren Lidor is considered one of the best ...
Exercice: la bonne entame de Baptiste Combescure 2/2 Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Pour chaque bonne réponse, vous obtiendrez des po...
Find the lead 2/3 By Baptiste Combescure - originally published in Bridgerama+ Dear BBOers, have a go at these bi...
Quiz - The Overcall Learn and Practice This quiz was written by Oren Lidor to accompany the article 'Overcalls' Hav...
Overcalls This article accompanies the quiz 'The Overcall'. An overcall is a bid of a new suit after your oppo...
Quiz - one hand, six questions Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along wi...