Dépasser le stade de débutant au Bridge Partie 2 J’espère sincèrement que les conseils de mon article précédent vous ont été utiles....
Moving Beyond Beginners Bridge Part 2 I sincerely hope you found the tips from my previous article helpful. This month, I’ll conc...
Beyond beginners bridge Part 1 In some parts of the world, bridge is well established with national organisations, bridge cl...
The before, during and after of the Schapiro Spring Fours The EBU’s Schapiro Spring Fours has long been my favourite event in the English bridge calendar, s...
Sometimes being practical beats being perfect Bridge is often scientific in nature. But bridge is also a game. There are many non-scientific situa...
Breaking up the right way One of the commentators from my last column asked for advice on how to gracefully exit a longstandin...
Avoid the Convention Trap, Part 2 By Chris Willenken In my last article, I advised improving players to avoid spending time learning n...
So what are the cool people doing nowadays? BBOers Festival Stars and Platinum Mike and I had planned to continue our competition (after our dis...
L'importance de connaître ses forces et ses faiblesses Personne n'est parfait. Même les meilleurs joueurs de bridge font des erreurs Les gens qui jouent e...
The Importance of Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses No one's perfect. Even at the very top, bridge players don't get every board right or avoid all mist...
Improve your game with this secret weapon “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” —Aristotle One can become a very fine bridge...
Améliorez votre jeu grâce aux conseils de Rob « Se connaître soi-même est le début de toute sagesse » : Aristote Vous pouvez deveni...