We are back in Salsomaggiore in northern Italy, the venue for the final of the Italian Bridge Federation’s annual “Cup for Men”. The two teams who have made it through […]...
Êtes-vous adepte de l'espace détente ? Vous devriez essayer les Premium Deals et les Vugraph Deals. Vugraph Deals est gratuit et vous permet de jouer des mains provenant des archives de […]...
J’ai joué au bridge pendant toute ma vie d’adulte. Parfois, je me demande qui j’aurais été si j’avais vécu dans un monde parallèle sans le bridge pour forger mon caractère […]...
This month, we set out to evaluate the capabilities of the various bridge robots used or developed on BBO. To do this we expanded our usual robot simulations, where BBO's […]...
Are you a casual game player? If you are, then you should try Premium Deals and Vugraph Deals. Vugraph Deals is free and allows you to play hands from the […]...
I've played bridge my whole adult life. Sometimes I wonder who I would have been had I lived a parallel existence without bridge to shape my character all these years. […]...
Hanoi5 is Hanoi Rondón, professor of bridge and Academic Director of the Chilean Bridge Federation. He brings us his weekly rally for 100% with the robots in the Weekly Free Instant […]...
Hanoi5 es Hanoi Rondón profesor de bridge y Director Académico de la Federación Chilena de Bridge. Semanalmente nos trae su enfrentamiento con los robots en el Torneo Instantáneo Gratuito Semanal. […]...
Big congratulations go to everyone who topped the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL Speedball Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games. […]...
Well done to all the players who made it onto the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL Open Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for […]...
Well done to everyone who made it onto the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL Flighted Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO […]...
Congratulations to everyone who topped the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL 0-1500 Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games. Date Usernames […]...