The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff East clearly had enough to bid game after his partner’s pre-emptive four-card raise here, but he enlisted his partner’s help with a natural […]...
Le Festival d'Annecy se déroule du 14 au 16 Juin prochain. Si vous ne pouvez vous y rendre en personne, participez en ligne à l'e-FIBA. Un évènement en ligne spécialement […]...
(Cliquez ici pour lire la troisième partie de cette série) Au cours de notre série concernant les potentiels risques et récompenses applicables lors d’une partie de bridge, nous avons discuté […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Why not cover up the East-West hands and treat today’s deal as a play problem? Opening Lead: ♥5 Your no-nonsense three no-trump bid […]...
Cliquez ici pour retrouver l'ensemble des "À qui la faute ?" La paire Nord-Sud a déclaré un très mauvais contrat. Comme souvent, chacun des deux joueurs pense que son partenaire […]...
By GeO Tislevoll, Auckland, New Zealand THE TEAMS EVENTS The Teams events were played over two days with a final between the two top teams in the Open category on […]...
Get ready for the Summer 2024 NABC Robot Individual by playing the first free NABC Practice Tournament on June 29-30. Do well and you could win a free entry to […]...
Got your 75 Silvers yet?If you're en-route to Life Master you're most likely looking for a chance to win Silver Masterpoints®. Here’s your opportunity to win and support your club […]...
Bobby Wolff answers your questions What is the best way to handle the suit combination of king-10-nine-sixth facing a small doubleton?With the Odds, Albany, Ga. I picked up: With everyone […]...
Open to members of District 7 Be part of the excitement of the Columbia Online Regional on June 21! Don't worry if you can’t make it to Columbia in person, […]...
Chaque main proposée en Nord comporte douze ou quatorze cartes. À vous de choisir parmi les trois cartes suggérées celle qu’il faut ajouter ou retirer pour que la main justifie […]...