Hand of the day #140
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff It is usually easier to defend against good bidders (you know what they really have, not what you think they have). Having said […]...
Hand of the day #139
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Against six spades, West hit on the lead of his fourth-highest heart. He was both pleased and surprised to find his partner ruffing […]...
Hand of the day #138
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Today’s deal cropped up at the Senior Pairs at the 2006 World Championships. Opening Lead: ♣8 On winning the club lead with the […]...
Hand of the day #137
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff At the Dyspeptics Club neither North nor South did anything outrageous to reach four spades. But the unfortunate duplication in the heart suit […]...
Hand of the day #136
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff You might think that best defense to a slam is difficult enough to envisage even with the dummy on view. But there are […]...
Hand of the day #135
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Opening Lead: ♥K The two main forms of duplicate-bridge scoring are matchpoints (generally used in pair events) and IMPs (generally used in team […]...
Hand of the day #134
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In today’s deal (originally from “More Hocus-Pocus” by Julian Pottage and Erwin Brecher) I underestimated the subtlety of the spot cards. See whether […]...
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