Hand of the day #240
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Twenty years ago Tony Forrester wrote a bridge tip about the power of the closed hand, and how declarer can generate tricks if […]...
Hand of the day #239
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As a defender, whenever you hold the trump queen, you look for ways to protect it. Similarly, when you can infer that declarer […]...
In tutti i tornei con HOST BBOITALIA che trovate ogni giorno su BBO, verranno assegnati Punti BBOITALIA, utili per scalare le classifiche mensili e convertibili nei premi del nostro catalogo. […]...
Hand of the day #238
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Michael Seamon of Florida is part of one of the most distinguished families of bridge, four of his family having participated successfully in […]...
Hand of the day #237
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff You might have avoided playing an anti-percentage heart slam today if you had been using Keycard Blackwood, when the trump king counts as […]...