Hand of the day #243
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In this deal from the IMP Pairs at the world championships in Philadelphia, Steve Hamaoui played three no-trump against the lead of the […]...
Hand of the day #242
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff The old-fashioned textbooks tell you to lead king from ace-king, which on rare occasions leads to confusion between an ace-king and a king-queen […]...
Hand of the day #241
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff What do you think the result of a heart contract for North-South might be on this deal? With trumps 4-0 and a foul […]...
Exercice: Fausse donne N°2
Chaque main proposée en Nord comporte douze ou quatorze cartes. À vous de choisir parmi les trois cartes suggérées celle qu’il faut ajouter ou retirer pour que la main justifie […]...
Hand of the day #240
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Twenty years ago Tony Forrester wrote a bridge tip about the power of the closed hand, and how declarer can generate tricks if […]...
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