About the Women's Festival Daylong Reward

Welcome to the *** WBF WOMEN'S FESTIVAL *** Daylong Reward ! This game is part of our Women's Online Bridge Festival, dedicated to women who love playing bridge. Celebrate with friends from all over the world right here on BBO.

Play When You Can

You can play anytime during the day that works for you. Start playing, take a break if you need, and come back to finish your game. Every day of the festival, we have a new game ready for you at 1 AM US Eastern Time (New York), and you have 24 hours to complete it. Plus, we give back 80% of the entry fees as BB$ prizes to the top finishers.

Easy to Join

You don't need to find a partner before you play. You will play in the South seat, and our smart bridge robots will be your partner and opponents. After you finish playing, you can see a preliminary result right away, and get the final scores the next day.

Tournament Details

  • Format: 10 boards, Matchpoints scoring.
  • When: New game each day of the Festival, available to play for 24 hours.
  • Entry Fee: 1 BB$, with 80% of the fees going back as BB$ prizes.


Winners get BBO points and BB$ prizes.

How to Join

All Festival games are invitational, and restricted to a list of eligible players. If this is your first time joining our Women's Events, please fill in this form to let us know. We update our player list several times a day, so you can start playing soon.

For quick access, click this link which will take you straight to the list of Women's Festival games. Please note you will be asked to login with your BBO username and password first, and only then you'll see the list of Festival games.

Alternatively, look in BBO's Competitive area for games hosted by WOMEN_FEST with the title *** WBF WOMEN'S FESTIVAL *** Daylong Reward.

This festival is about bringing women together to enjoy bridge, no matter where you are in the world. Whether you're here to improve your skills and mingle with women from all over the world, compete for the prizes, or just have fun, you're in the right place. Let's celebrate the joy of bridge together!


Human Declares
The human player is switched into the North (Robot) seat whenever North is the declarer. The human player then declares the hand. When the hand is over, the human is switched back to his original seat.

Deal Pool
For every board in a Daylong tournament, we deal multiple instances. (ie Not everyone gets the same board 1, board 2, etc.) This is an anti cheating measure.

About the robots
The robots used on BBO are called GIB (Ginsberg's Intelligent Bridgeplayer). You can find out more about GIB's bidding system by clicking here.

The GIBs used in BBO play a relatively simple and natural 2/1 bidding system. You can find out the meaning of any bid by clicking on that bid as it appears in the bidding diagram. Furthermore, when it is your turn to bid, moving your mouse over the buttons for the various possible bids will cause an explanation of the bid you are considering (as your GIB partner will understand it) to be displayed. These explanations can be somewhat cryptic, but reading them carefully before you bid will help you to avoid misunderstandings with your GIB partner.
