About Clash of the Districts Daylong Challenge

Available every Sunday, the Clash of the Districts is a fun weekly challenge for ACBL players! This game is like your usual ACBL Daylong with an exciting twist: you’ll play for yourself while also teaming up with players from your District to compete against other Districts.

Top overall players and the Top 3 in each of the winning Districts will earn BB$ prizes — and, of course, fame and glory!


  • 18 boards, Matchpoints scoring
  • No partner needed. You'll play with robots and the system is SAYC in the 0-750 game, and the usual robot 2/1 in the Open.
  • Best Hand: you will receive the hand with the highest (or tied for the highest) high-card points at the table.
  • Registration opens Monday, and stays open all week.
  • Play starts on Sunday.
  • You have 24 hours to complete your 18 boards.
  • 3.99 BB$ entry fee.

Don’t forget to play your boards on Sunday!

You can log in at any time on Sunday to play. You can also take breaks and return later to finish, as long as you leave enough time to complete all your boards before the game closes. Play begins at around 5am US Eastern and ends at around 4:30am the next day. similar to the other ACBL Daylong games.


  • 10 BB$ each to the Top 10 overall finishers.
  • 10 BB$ each to the Top 3 players from each of the top 3 winning districts.
  • Earn BBO Points and ACBL Masterpoints® as you would in a typical ACBL Daylong. Clash of the Districts is one of the ACBL daily games in ACBL World, reimagined to bring you a fresh challenge.

Other useful info

How Are District Scores Calculated?

Players are grouped by ACBL District based on their ACBL number. A district’s score is computed using the top 10 individual scores from players in the district, as well as the average score of all players from the district. This explains why some players will be marked with "Eligible = Yes" on the leaderboard. This means their score was among the best 10 in their District and it contributed to their District score.

Districts with fewer than 10 players will be displayed as "Other Districts". Players who did not finish all boards do not contribute to their district's score, but will count as participants when forming the District teams.

About the Robots

The robots play SAYC in the 0-750 game, and the usual GIB 2/1 system in the Open game. You can find out the meaning of any bid by clicking on that bid as it appears in the bidding diagram. Furthermore,when it is your turn to bid, moving your mouse over the buttons for the various possible bids will cause an explanation of the bid you are considering (as your robot partner will understand it) to be displayed. Reading these explanations carefully before you bid will help you to avoid misunderstandings with your robot partner.

Deal Pools

Not everyone plays the same deals. This is a security measure.

Take on the challenge, enjoy your favorite ACBL Daylong games, and add a little team vibe to your weekend games.
