Winners of NABC Robot Practice Tournament #2

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This weekend, November 14 and 15, ACBL BBOers were invited to play in the second free 2-day NABC Robot Practice Tournament to get a feel for the upcoming ACBL NABC Robot Individual (November 21-23) 

Congratulations to rogerclee, who won out of a field of 3776 players. Scroll down to see a complete list of winners.

The actual NABC Robot Individual takes place over three days from Saturday November 21 through to Monday November 23. Don’t be intimidated, give it a go. OK, some players score over 70%, but you just need one decent session to win some red/gold points. Find out all the tournament details here

NABC Robot Practice Results

Day 1 Practice tournament 2 - full results available here

12over1xiao80.79Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
2rogerclee79.88Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3niccrais78.67Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual

Day 2 Practice Tournament 2 - full results available here

1rogerclee80.25Already won
2charali78.97Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3sammarks78.21Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
4jianw3877.59Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual

Overall Results Practice Tournament 2 - full results available here

1rogerclee80.07Already won
2jianw3875.16Already won
3jgarris74.39Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
4jonottawa73.58Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
5michaelf0172.21Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
6sspitze71.68Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
16 comments on “Winners of NABC Robot Practice Tournament #2”

  1. Clee is the real deal. He's won a Blue Ribbon and a LM so not only understands how to play pairs but also how to manage the bots.

    LOL at anyone thinks this is 'smelly'. You either don't understand how bot tourneys work or understand who the good players are. Probably both.

  2. My comment is I can not understand the bidding of the robot. One time give some explanation of his bidding second time give me wrong because I imply the first one and it is not the same. For this reason my result is not accurate some times you find I receive 46% and other Tim’s 50% third time I get 68%

  3. Thanks for the opportunity to practice. Last month I threw my hat into the ring and got clobbered so I had planned to never play this again. However, last weekend I practiced with the robots and more than doubled my wretched first try score. So I am encouraged and plan to practice again this weekend.

  4. Shame on you David you are a wannabe and should apologize. Bridge is a great game and too often win/loss will warrant one to discard opponents or partners to preserve their ego.

  5. In addition to being good, you have to know how to play with the robots. Even the advanced ones have their quirks.
    Your partner can destroy you if you don't know it's idiosyncrasies. The defense can help you if you give it a chance.
    Roger Lee is no cheat. Instead of complaining, learn to game the bots. Also, always pass the hand out if it looks right, even with 15 Pierson pts.

  6. Congratulations to the winners!!

    I don't think anyone should be disparaged because of their great 80% games. I have read of Roger's great achievements over many years of high level bridge. I don't know the other players. As an average player, I once had a 83% game in an all-day Robot tournament, which just means that luck was with me for all of the lines of play and finesses that I took. Leo, USLA, and many others routinely put up 80% games. They are all great players and I applaud them for their skill and expertise.

    1. There are a handful of players that consistently score well. Many of the skills for "live bridge" are the same as those in these robot games. Roger Lee is certainly one of the best.

    2. I have had 2 80% games in the past 2 months so I do not think it is fishy. However, there are certain plays I know work more often on robots that are not in pairs in declare play. One is that robots practically never 'lead away from a king.

      Also, when it is your day, it is your day

    3. Not true, e.g. George Tornay, of Palm Beach Gardens,. always a world class player for the last 50+ years, about a year or so ago (now in his 80's) was written up in the Bulletin for the highest # of MP's won that month and had only played in a few club games, consistently with that level of averages in the 80%+ range. In fact. last year I met a pro with 50,000+ MPs, who told me that when he and George played together on a Spingold Team, decades ago Tornay was the most "awesome" player he had met. Besides whenever ACBL publishes the winners at the Nationals in the Bulletin, the first half dozen or more ranking players are above 80% even a couple are above 85% average for the week long event. And really competitive events at the Nationals have many safeguards to prevent any fishy temptations.
      Also as far as playing with the robots. I just highlight each bid each Robot makes and you get to understand their bidding program. The Robot's leads are all published on BBO.
      The people who comment on the quirks of the bots;--it's just like with people, with some the chemistry meshes, with some it clashed. The Pro (whom I mentioned above) was at the same event as I was a year ago. Every time my partner and I played the Pro and Client pair, we beat them, but at the end of the event they had earned 93+ gold points while the next in the field earned slightly less than half that amount and my partner and I came away with 23+ gold points--so there is a lot of meshing or clashing with the style of auction and play with either the bots or different human opponents.

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