NABC Robot - Early bird registration ends Monday, November 16

Early bird registration ends in

Register for the 2020 Fall NABC Robot Individual (November 21-23) by Monday, November 16 to take advantage of the early bird discount of $10.

As of Tuesday, November 17, the registration fee will be $50.

You'll get an extra $6 off the entry fee if you played the 2020 Summer NABC Robot Individual. You can still get your $6 credit after the early bird discount expires, but if you sign up before the deadline, you can combine both. You can purchase BB$ here if you need to top up your account.

How to register?

Click ACBL World, then click ACBL NABC Robot Individual to register - the video below shows you how.

One comment on “NABC Robot - Early bird registration ends Monday, November 16”

  1. I accidentally clicked on the registration. I DO NOT want to play. Please remove me from the contest

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