Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #51

This conundrum was written by Danny Roth and was originally published in the book, Combining your chances - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Quiz 1.2 - Better Declarer Play - Combining Your Chances

West leads out the ♠A followed by the ♠Q (East follows with the ♠6 and ♠2) and it is all too obvious that he has a quick entry with the A. What’s your best chance of nine tricks?

About the book

This book covers topics that, once mastered, will bring any intermediate player an immediate improvement in their scores. Topics include: to finesse or play for the drop (why not both?), loser-on-loser plays, entries, disposing of losers, and much more. The overall theme is, 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket -- instead, choose a line of play that gives you more than one chance of success.' As always, the author's clear exposition of his points is followed by a large collection of problems where the reader can test his understanding of this new-found knowledge.

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