Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #47

This conundrum was written by Mark Horton and was originally published in the book Misbid these hands with me - you can find out all about it further down the page.

The attempt to win a bridge match consists of many deals, but always starts with Board 1; Some players like to attempt to stamp their authority on the opening deal, and at the start of a long match against unknown opponents, I pick up as South:

♠Q2 8763 5 ♣KQ10975

I am dealer, with neither side vulnerable. I could open 3♣, but I am a club short and a four-card major on the side is frowned upon in some circles. With fingers crossed, I open 1♣. When West passes, partner jumps to 4, which I have to announce as a convention. East asks if it is a splinter, but I explain it rejoices in the name of Redwood and asks for keycards with clubs agreed. I respond 4 to show 1 or 4 keycards and partner jumps to 6♣, leaving us with this sequence:

West leads the 3 and dummy is predictably powerful:

About the book

In 2007, Horton wrote Misplay These Hands with Me, a deliberate homage to Reese's classic, Play These Hands with Me. The difference was that the declarer in Horton's book always made an error, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. This successful book was the basis of a long-running column in the ACBL's Bridge Bulletin, a sequel in 2019, and earlier this year, Misdefend These Hands with Me. Now the same author turns to the topic of bidding, and once again gives the reader a chance to learn from someone else's mistakes. All the deals are taken from top-level play.

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