Hand of the day #295

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The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

This deal came from the final match of the teams event at the Cavendish, won by Lou Ann O'Rourke, who retained her team's lead by defeating Roy Welland in the head-to-head match.

Opening Lead: ♣8

Welland had to fight to limit the damage here. His decision to lead his singleton club against four hearts, playing for ruffs, created an opportunity for declarer, one that would not have existed if the lead had been two top diamonds, which is what Steve Weinstein had done in the other room. All that declarer could do was ruff and set up the clubs, then rely on a favorable spade position. When none was forthcoming, he was down one.

However, against Welland’s club lead, declarer, Eric Greco, took the club ace, drew trumps, then cashed a second top club to find the bad news. He next led a diamond to the 10, jack and queen. It looks routine for West to exit by leading a second top diamond for declarer to ruff. But had Welland made that play, Greco would have pitched a spade instead of ruffing. That would have endplayed West, who would have to lead either spades or diamonds, allowing declarer to avoid losing a spade trick.

Welland saw this coming, so he underled his diamonds on the second round of the suit to Bart Bramley’s eight. Declarer could now do no better than ruff and eventually play for the spade king onside or some unlikely endplay from the spade spots. Down one, and a flat board.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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