BBOers November Festival Winners

Thanks to all of you who participated in the BBOers November festival - hopefully you enjoyed taking part!

November Festival highlights

The Country vs Country Championship was once again a big success, and together you represented 28 countries in total. Türkiye came out victorious with an average player score of 57.12%. Close behind were Poland and Norway.

The Stars and Platinum Robot Individual was another close run thing. Click here to see the leaderboard.

Lots of you got into the survivors too, with well over 10,000 players in each tournament. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

The BBOers November Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Norberto Baldestein (norb68)Bernard Dehaye (alienor2)Robert Brady (BradyBot)Aldo Gerli (tendenz)
Michal Kania (Kania12)Curt Soloff (curtsolo)Matko (ferem)Robert Brady (BradyBot)
Hoovel (hoovel)Robert Lebi (rlebi)Arseny Shur (kammerer)Leonardo Rizzo (naninga)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

United States60955.77
United Kingdom21553.98

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankUsernameCountryScore (%)PointsPrize
1norb68Italy70.3229.36100 BB$
2kania12Poland68.7529.1550 BB$
3hoovelBulgaria68.7328.9525 BB$
4drowzeeSouth Africa68.3328.7510 BB$
5joefriGermany67.2828.5510 BB$
6adachPoland67.0228.3510 BB$
7unpade7Indonesia67.0128.1510 BB$
8xlalNorway67.0027.9510 BB$
9aidanCanada66.7327.7610 BB$
10fachiruUnited States65.9727.5610 BB$
11berendeiPoland65.8227.375 BB$
12bp3000United States65.8127.185 BB$
13redubl1United States65.6726.995 BB$
14nasi udukIndonesia65.6026.805 BB$
15400 VoltGermany65.4726.615 BB$
16zeus2077Greece65.4326.435 BB$
1744519Norway65.1626.245 BB$
18lee1972Australia65.0726.065 BB$
19badal2890India65.0525.885 BB$
20marvel88Türkiye64.9825.705 BB$
21malpracTürkiye64.3425.345 BB$
22fondasGreece64.2325.165 BB$
23engsetter1United Kingdom63.8824.985 BB$
24sheepmanUnited Kingdom63.8324.815 BB$
25fikriTürkiye63.7924.645 BB$
26VK 998World63.7324.465 BB$
27roger_nNorway63.5124.295 BB$
28rishabhUnited States63.4024.125 BB$
29msofearl2United States63.0823.955 BB$
30niklaskPortugal62.9123.795 BB$
31therudyUnited States62.7223.623 BB$
32erlustyTürkiye62.6023.463 BB$
33s batoryWorld62.5823.293 BB$
34relrikasTürkiye62.5223.103 BB$
35ali gulTürkiye62.4322.893 BB$
36polokilRomania62.4322.893 BB$
37lolobrigidWorld62.2822.653 BB$
38carneadesUnited States62.2722.493 BB$
39TrialBidUnited States62.2322.183 BB$
40vaskorUnited States62.2122.023 BB$
41star6ijaBulgaria62.2021.791 BB$
41aimistrueUnited Kingdom62.2021.791 BB$
43gretskyCanada62.0321.561 BB$
44arfanUnited States61.8721.411 BB$
45ilia_goldIsrael61.8621.191 BB$
4619niklas69Sweden61.8621.191 BB$
47parnassos2Poland61.8520.961 BB$
4713EdewiseWorld61.8320.821 BB$
49jeff_geWorld61.7720.601 BB$
50yilmazgokTürkiye61.7720.601 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
alienor271.38110 BB$
curtsolo71.0125 BB$
rlebi70.0835 BB$
dobalob68.7045 BB$
M_L67.3055 BB$
AuntyDooo67.2265 BB$
jurekz2967.0975 BB$
nullve66.5385 BB$
ionpr66.2095 BB$
janhamhurg66.09105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
curtsolo84.4415 BB$
mich201282.6225 BB$
damaru0379.4835 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
jmunday77.1115 BB$
gezuk76.4225 BB$
chuekl75.2535 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
AuntyDooo77.7715 BB$
Hristo NT374.9525 BB$
Sparknekt73.9935 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
bradybot71.76110 BB$
ferem71.3725 BB$
Kammerer70.9135 BB$
JSSMP169.6745 BB$
haromkaro68.9755 BB$
Whist7168.7965 BB$
A_zrae_L67.6075 BB$
Steve H67.0795 BB$
rafju66.71105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
JSSMP185.9015 BB$
mimosa19680.5625 BB$
gencay3379.9635 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
SDYounger77.4515 BB$
viktorus75.8725 BB$
M111HCE74.6835 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
bradybot78.5815 BB$
RifatAnik74.9825 BB$
m_monchev74.835 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

People who register with multiple aliases are not eligible for prizes

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