Hand of the day #332

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The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Opening Lead: 6

German Women's Team won their Round Robin group. When they met the Netherlands, the runners-up in their section, the contract at both tables was three no-trump.

Both Wests found the only lead to give declarer problems — a spade. Both Souths took East’s jack with the ace and continued with a club toward dummy. The West players both correctly ducked. This play was not just trying to restrict declarer’s communications, but was also hoping for a suit-preference signal from partner as to the best continuation after West won the club ace. The order of East’s play in the club suit should help West out.

Declarer has eight tricks, so just needs one more from the red suits. At one table, after West won the club ace, she cashed the diamond ace, then led the queen — the right play if East had started with four diamonds to the king along with either the nine or eight. It was a nice idea, but not in this layout.

At the other table, West continued with a heart to the ace, and back came a diamond. Declarer ducked, so West cashed the queen, then the ace, but that gave South her ninth trick.

The only return to defeat declarer is another spade. South wins and plays a heart honor. East captures this, then puts declarer in dummy with a club. Declarer must cash her black suit winners, but in the process she will squeeze herself and lose the last three tricks.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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2 comments on “Hand of the day #332”

    1. Hi marlene, we post the Hand of the Day on our blog and in the BBO Newsfeed. Just log into BBO and check the News section daily to see the latest post. 😉

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