Hand of the day #316

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The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Opening Lead: ♠5

In today’s deal my partner, Dan Morse (East), opened one spade and I raised to two spades over the one-no-trump overcall, and played there. Against two spades, the defenders accurately led a heart, but ducked their diamond ace. So Dan was able to get a heart loser away on the club ace and hold his losers to two trumps and one in each red-suit, for plus 140.

In the other room the auction went as shown, with Arnie Fisher competing over two spades with two no-trump, and Fred Hamilton moving on to game. The defenders led a spade to the ace and returned the suit. Hamilton knocked out the heart ace, won the third spade, and led the club king from hand. Once he had guessed clubs, the defenders had just one trick in each suit, and Hamilton had nine tricks.

Did you notice the defenders’ slip? At trick one East must put in the spade jack, then win the heart ace to return a low spade. Now West will win his club ace and play the third spade to East, who can cash out for down one. (And had East ducked the heart ace smoothly, might declarer have — fatally — switched his attention to clubs?)

Lead with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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