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The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff
Opening Lead: ♣Q
In six spades, after winning the club queen in dummy, you should cash the trump ace. If trumps are 5-0, you will need the hearts to be 3-2 on most layouts. As a result you will cash the heart ace and king and ruff a heart with the trump queen before returning to hand with a trump to play on hearts. All you will lose is a trump.
When both opponents follow to the first round of trump, it would be a mistake to draw a second round. If you do, you no longer have the entries to establish the hearts when both majors are 4-1.
So, cash the heart ace, then lead a low heart to the next trick. If instead you try to cash the heart king, East will ruff and the contract will fail. (When East returns a trump, you cannot then ruff two hearts and draw East’s last trump, so you will have to concede a heart trick to West.)
But when you correctly play a low heart at trick three, what can the defense do? You can win a minor-suit shift and return to hand with a trump to ruff a low heart with dummy’s queen. Then, since there will still be a trump remaining in dummy, you can draw the remaining trump ending in hand and follow by running the hearts. You will make four trumps, four hearts, a heart ruff and the three minor-suit winners.
Bid with the aces
Answer: 2♦
Anyone who responded one spade for fear of losing the spade fit should go to the back of the class. It works far better to respond two diamonds, bidding long suits before short ones, then if necessary introducing the spades over a two-heart rebid. By making the two-over-one response, you set up a forcing auction and describe your hand more accurately.
This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.
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Bidding makes no sense.......as mentioned, does no one proof read?
We apologize, we've corrected the auction, it might take a while for the hand to update.
Why is bidding all messed up?
We apologize, we've corrected the auction, it might take a while for the hand to update.
Someone needs to proofread hand of the day before posting. The bidding is wrong
We apologize, we've corrected the auction, it might take a while for the hand to update.