Hand of the day #311

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The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Opening Lead: 8

Follows, Joann Sprung found a fine defensive play that so deceived declarer that he wound up going down four tricks instead of scoring up overtricks in his no-trump game.

Joann led her top heart, and dummy’s jack held the trick. Declarer now led to his heart ace and led a club, no doubt intending to insert the nine, a play that would have enabled him to make his contract if East took his king. This is declarer’s best play in the suit. West is far more likely to have a holding such as Q-10-x or K-10-x than she is to have K-Q-x.

However, on the first round of clubs, Joann played the queen! Declarer decided to duck, and Joann led another heart, captured by dummy’s king. Declarer now led a spade to his jack and Joann’s king, and she led the diamond king, ducked. She switched to a spade, and Dan won his ace and cashed his good heart.

Next came a diamond to declarer’s ace, and South continued to go after clubs — but this time Joann played the 10! Declarer could have minimized his losses by winning the ace, but he inserted the jack and was chagrined to see the king come up on his right. Dan switched to a diamond, and Joann took two diamond winners before being forced to give declarer the last trick with her last club to his ace.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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3 comments on “Hand of the day #311”

  1. Wow! I can't even comprehend the bidding! Doesn't E need 5 hearts to over-call? South has points and yet remained silent even thought N opened? A negative double to show 4 spades? I'm totally baffled...

    1. Something has gone wrong with HOTD. The same bidding shows up in no 312, making as little sense. It would be good if BBO read these comments and fixed mistakes when they happen. Not sure anyone looks, though.

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