Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #49

This conundrum was written by Julian Pottage and was originally published in the book Defend or Declare - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Opening Lead: 8

The original declarer won the diamond perforce, finessed the ♠J and cashed the ace. When East showed out, the play continued with the ♣10 run round to the jack. West won and played another diamond. Soon afterwards, East came in with the ♣A; an avalanche of diamonds defeated the contract.

It was a little unlucky to find spades 4-1 and even more unlucky that East had a second-round club entry. Can you see a way to overcome these breaks or is the distribution too hostile for declarer to succeed?

About the book

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An unusual problem format, it gave the reader all four hands and challenged them to analyze the deal and decide whether they wanted to play or defend. This sequel comprises 72 problems, presented in the same unique fashion, and will appeal to the same readership.

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