Clash of the Districts (Feb 23): Winners Announced!

Last weekend, February 23, ACBL players from all over came together for the now weekly Clash of the Districts. Lots of you took part in this weekends clash, across two categories — Open, and 0-750 ACBL Masterpoints®.

Congratulations to the winning districts and top players in each category! Let’s take a look at the results.

Open Clash of the Districts

The Open category brought together the fiercest competition, with 577 players proudly representing their districts. Click here for the ACBL Daylong – Clash of the Districts (Open) results.

Top Districts (Open):

  1. District 18 – 22 players, 56.86%
  2. District 25 – 34 players, 56.38%
  3. District 13 – 25 players, 55.47%

The champions of the Open Clash of the Districts were:

  • dato, David Chechelashvili from Santa Monica, CA (District 23) – 71,91%
  • glenn789, Glenn McIntyre from Bedford, MA (District 25) – 67,16%
  • fbrandes, Franklin Brandes from Santa Barbara, CA (District 22) – 66,86%

The top 3 players helping their Districts to victory in the Open Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 18:
    1. Davidmj, David Johnson from Calgary, AB – 64.97%
    2. jgarris, John Garrison from Hailey, ID – 63,05%
    3. ngcord, Nancy Cord from Sun Valley, ID – 60.87%
  • District 25:
    1. glenn789, Glenn McIntyre from Bedford, MA – 67.16%
    2. badesh, Raj Agarwal from Cambridge, MA – 63.85%
    3. galaski, JPhilippe Galaski from Florence, MA – 60.48%
  • District 23:
    1. dato, David Chechelashvili from Santa Monica, CA (District 23) – 71,91%
    2. aaroncraig, Aaron Craig from Pasadena, CA – 61.23%
    3. ejnpv, Edward Nowacki from Palos Verdes, CA – 60.65%

Congratulations to the Top 10 winners of the ACBL Open Clash of the Districts

RankBBO UsernameNameDistrictScore (%)ACBL Masterpoints®Prize (BB$)
1datoDavid Chechelashvili2371,911,310 BB$
2glenn789Glenn McIntyre 2567,161,310 BB$
3fbrandesFranklin Brandes2266,861,310 BB$
4srathleteRon Sholes 866,81,210 BB$
5ginobilobaGiovanni Salomone9965,271,310 BB$
6PalealeMartin Hunter 265,241,310 BB$
7markggraffMark Graff1565,161,310 BB$
8wlindemannWilliam Lindemann1164,981,210 BB$
9davidmjDavid Johnson1864,970,9110 BB$
10sukipKrzysztof Pikus 9964,940,8410 BB$

0-750 Clash of the Districts

Finally, the 0-750 category welcomed 348 players for a friendly yet competitive clash. Click here for the ACBL 0-750 Daylong – Clash of the Districts results. Here are the top districts:

Top Districts (0-750):

  1. District 99 (16 players, 55,78%)
  2. District 21 (26 players, 55,49%)
  3. District 2 (19 players, 55,49%)

The champions of the 0-750 Clash of the Districts were:

  1. Prytulka, Keith Prytulka from Kingston, ON (District 1) – 73.49%
  2. nevens05, Nick Evens from Denver, CO (District 17) – 71.18%
  3. BooksBridg, Mary Schaeffer from Plymouth, MA(District 25) – 70.86%

The top 3 players from each of the winning districts in the 0-750 Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 99:
    1. sukip, Krzysztof Pikus from Kiezliny 10371, Poland– 66.71%
    2. aigaio, Maria Tasioni from Thessaloniki 55131, Greece – 59.76%
    3. rfajer, Ryszard Fajer from Piotrkow Trybun 97-300, Poland – 59,55%
  • District 21:
    1. jp2605, Jayson Lee from Hillsborough, CA – 67,71%
    2. Suzypapa Suzy Papazian from Los Altos, CA, Jayson Lee from Hillsborough, CA – 65,61%
    3. Phk7, Peter Kilner from Mountain View, CA– 64,77%
  • District 9:
    1. taash204, Ashish Banerji from Winnipeg, MB– 64,21%
    2. rkcel, Emile Leblanc from Toronto, ON – 63,25%
    3. dunewaves, Barry Deathe from London, ON – 58,97%

Congratulations to Top 10 winners of the ACBL 0-750 Clash of the Districts

RankBBO UsernameDistrictScore (%)ACBL Masterpoints®Prize (BB$)
1Prytulka173,490,9610 BB$
2nevens051771,180,9610 BB$
3BooksBridg2570,860,9610 BB$
4dlh391068,380,6710 BB$
5jp26052167,710,8810 BB$
6sukip9966,710,9610 BB$
7MrBillNJ2565,680,9610 BB$
8Suzypapa2165,610,6710 BB$
9dlkb2465,050,8810 BB$
10KCNancy05Other District64,960,9610 BB$

Congratulations to everyone who took part - we hope you had fun!

One comment on “Clash of the Districts (Feb 23): Winners Announced!”

  1. Why were the overall leaders getting only 1.3 masterpoints? In previous CotD events the overall leaders received 2.5 MP's. If you are trying to encourage participation this won't help!

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