Clash of the Districts (Feb 9): Winners Announced!

Last weekend, February 9, ACBL players from all over came together for the now weekly Clash of the Districts. Well over a 1000 of you took part in this weekends clash, across two categories — Open, and 0-750 ACBL Masterpoints®.

Congratulations to the winning districts and top players in each category! Let’s take a look at the results.

Open Clash of the Districts

The Open category brought together the fiercest competition, with 782 players proudly representing their districts. Click here for the ACBL Daylong – Clash of the Districts (Open) results.

Top Districts (Open):

  1. District 25 – 44 players, 56,85%
  2. District 3 – 39 players, 56,33%
  3. District 2 – 47 players, 56,32%

The champions of the Open Clash of the Districts were:

  • sukip, Krzysztof Pikus from Kiezliny, Poland (District 99) – 71%
  • 78jayhawk, Bill Bleish from Lenexa, KS (District 15) – 70,45%
  • southword, Rhysa South from Midlothian, VA (District 6) – 69,72%

The top 3 players helping their Districts to victory in the Open Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 25:
    1. nevereast, Adam Grossack from Newton, MA – 67,98%
    2. CarlWik541, Carl Wikstrom from Exeter, NH – 65,38%
    3. RedLM, Robert Asher from Needham, MA – 63,03%
  • District 3:
    1. Serzhik, Serge Budzyn from Pleasantville, NY – 66,41%
    2. danb123, Dan Benjamin from Wayne, NJ – 62,35%
    3. rick853, Sarik Goyal from Jersey City, NJ – 61,56%
  • District 2:
    1. cpookah, Allan Nikkila from Bishops Falls, NL – 65,89%
    2. rowingman, Fabrice Colin from Sudbury, ON – 64,39%
    3. caseyvdpt, Casey Vandeputte from Burlington, ON – 63,7%

Congratulations to the Top 10 winners of the ACBL Open Clash of the Districts

RankBBO UsernameNameDistrictScore (%)ACBL Masterpoints®Prize (BB$)
1sukipKrzysztof Pikus99712,510 BB$
278jayhawkBill Bleish 1570,452,510 BB$
3southwordRhysa South 669,722,510 BB$
4nevereastAdam Grossack 2567,982,510 BB$
5LFSDASLeon Schmelzer 1266,782,510 BB$
6robo1966Robert Boorman 966,732,510 BB$
7ahawksAndy Hawks 666,472,510 BB$
8SerzhikSerge Budzyn 366,41210 BB$
9rbforsterRobert Forster 2466,02210 BB$
10cpookahAllan Nikkila 265,891,7510 BB$

0-750 Clash of the Districts

Finally, the 0-750 category welcomed 380 players for a friendly yet competitive clash. Click here for the ACBL 0-750 Daylong – Clash of the Districts results. Here are the top districts:

Top Districts (0-750):

  1. Other District (62 players, 57,09%)
  2. District 99 (16 players, 55,18%)
  3. District 22 (18 players, 54.67%)

The champions of the 0-750 Clash of the Districts were:

  1. wallywu, Hsin-I Wu from San Diego, CA (District 22) – 70,05%
  2. GavinMcG, Gavin McGimpsey from Los Angeles, CA (Other District) – 67,68%
  3. Leigh2019, Leigh Zerboni from Marina, CA (District 21) – 66,15%

The top 3 players from each of the winning districts in the 0-750 Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • Other District:
    1. GavinMcG, Gavin McGimpsey from Los Angeles, CA – 67,68%
    2. arniegrant, Arnold Grant from Glenview, IL – 65,49%
    3. wcs1, William Scott from Madison, WI – 63.07%
  • District 99:
    1. diana_eva, Diana Serban from Bucaresti, Romania – 64,15%
    2. aigaio, Maria Tasioni from Thessaloniki, Greece – 64,08%
    3. patrick131, Patrick De Graaf from Amsterdam, Netherlands – 60.82%
  • District 22:
    1. wallywu, Hsin-I Wu from San Diego, CA – 70,05%
    2. drlee2, Elliott Meltzer from Highland, CA – 61,7%
    3. Kabbott, Kerry Abbott from San Diego, CA – 58.57%

Congratulations to Top 10 winners of the ACBL 0-750 Clash of the Districts

RankBBO UsernameDistrictScore (%)ACBL Masterpoints®Prize (BB$)
1wallywu2270,05210 BB$
2GavinMcGOther District67,68210 BB$
3Leigh20192166,15210 BB$
4arniegrantOther District65,491,410 BB$
5diana_eva9964,151,410 BB$
6aigaio9964,081,410 BB$
7jerseyten764,071,2810 BB$
8brandonned1663,591,210 BB$
9Phk72163,531,210 BB$
10wcs1Other District63,071,210 BB$

Congratulations to everyone who took part - we hope you had fun!

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