Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #45

This conundrum was written by Mark Horton and was originally published in the book, Misplay These Hands With Me - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Blunt Sword

West leads the king of hearts and dummy is a veritable treasure trove:

I ruff the king of hearts and play a spade to the king, everyone following. I take a second round of trumps, but East shows out, completing a high-low in hearts. When I play the jack of diamonds, West plays the five and I overtake with the queen. East considers this for a moment but then plays the six.

Taking my remaining chance, I play a club to the jack. West wins with the queen, cashes the queen of spades and exits with a heart. I ruff and play a diamond, hoping to endplay East, but he wins and produces a heart. I ruff, but when the king of clubs fails to fall under the ace, I am one down.

About the book

Horton leads the reader through a plausibly logical line of play on each instructive deal, but one that ends in failure. In each post-mortem, the 'expert' realizes how he could have improved on his play, and (usually) have made his contract. The deals are all from top-class events, which prove to be a remarkably fertile source of such material. A book filled with subtle humor and great bridge. Reviews Misplay with Me is the best written bridge book since Reese. I thoroughly enjoyed it. - Charles Lipman

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