The heart of bridge lies in partnership. This is what sets it apart from most other major games in the world. In particular, bidding requires us to work together with our partner to communicate information and solve problems collaboratively.
When we first form a partnership, we establish basic agreements, such as: Do we play Stayman and Transfers? From there, we explore options like: Do we use RKC or 1430 for our Keycard bids? As we gain more experience playing with the same partner, we start to understand their style. Are they a daring preemptor or a sound one? Do they pay attention to vulnerability? When they double, do they typically hold a strong hand, or do they tend to overstretch? These nuances become clearer over time as we continue to play together. But when it comes to constructive bidding tools, the agreements that often prove most valuable are those that bring our partner into the decision-making process.
Instead of unilaterally guessing at the best final place to end the auction, we want to have tools that bring partner into the decision-making process - cooperative bidding tools.
Some of these bidding tools involve slam bidding. Quantitative bids are a good example of slam bidding tools that bring partner in, and enable cooperative bidding.
1NT — 4NT
Example – Respond 4NT with this hand
This hand has a nice 16 HCP, if partner has 15 or a bad 16, we don't want to be in slam. But if partner has a good 16 or 17, slam is probably a good contract.
This auction also asks partner if they think we can make a slam or not
1NT — 2♦*
2♥ — 4NT
This auction shows a 5-card Heart suit and enough values to invite a slam, providing partner with information to decide if a slam is feasible.
After Transferring, we bid 4NT with this hand and leave partner to decide if we belong in 4NT, 5♥, 6NT, 6NT (or even some other slam).
Both of these Quantitative auctions involve partner in the slam decision-making process.
Another agreement that involves partner in slam decisions is the Splinter bid. Splinters communicate fit, values, and shortness, encouraging partner to reevaluate their hand. If partner’s points are in the “right place”, a slam may be possible even with limited high-card points (HCP). Conversely, if their points are in the “wrong place”, it might be challenging to even make game.
Splinter bids can be used in a variety of different auctions:
1♥ — 4♦*
This shows a good ♥ fit (4+cards), about 11-14 HCP, and a singleton or void in ♦. It completely describes our hand and gives partner a choice of exploring slam or stopping in game.
1♣ — 1♠
This 4♥ bid is a splinter by the Opener and shows a huge hand (say 18-21 pts) with 4-card Spade support and shortness in Hearts. Slam is possible if Responder has the right cards.
Here we can make a slam if we lose 1 Heart, ruff 2 Hearts, and discard the remaining Heart on the ♠.
As our partnership evolves, we can incorporate additional tools that invite judgment and reevaluation during the auction, such as a Help Suit Game Try. This is used after the partnership has bid and raised a major suit, clearly establishing the trump suit. By bidding a new suit at this point, we ask partner to reevaluate their hand, particularly their holding in Spades (good trumps always make us happy) and their help in the Diamonds (honors or shortness can be useful). We give partner a way to focus their thoughts and helps them to make the final decision.
1♠ — 2♠
3♦ — 3♠
Here, partner is signaling that they do not like their holding in Diamonds and believe a game is unlikely.
If Responder has the same hand with a doubleton ♦, game would be excellent, and they would bid game.
All of these bids ask partner to use their hand evaluation skills (in combination with the information we have given them) to make a good decision for our partnership. Adding tools like these to your regular agreements fosters better cooperation and strengthens your partnership. Not to mention, it also ensures that if things go astray, it’s at least partially partner’s fault! Of course, I know you won’t actually blame them if things go wrong 🙂 - but if you jump into game and then blast to slam and things go badly, it's clearly going to be all your fault!
Get partner involved in the auction!
About the Author
Robert Todd is a professional player and teacher who you’ll find all over North America (and the world). He's the founder of Adventures in Bridge and you'll find him hosting events, either virtual or in-person, almost every week of the year! Robert's also the president of the ACBL Educational Foundation where he's working to build an institution to shepherd the long term good of bridge!
Loved this article. Pity that my partner died a few years ago! But thank you, it is what we mainly used to play, so hopefully I shall find someone else to partner.
Splinter example number two has the 4♠ in both partners hands. Need to clean up example.
and the 6♥ and the 6♣.
and the 6♥ and the 6♣.
Don’t have enough points to splinter therefore 4 spades is my respose
Robert what is the correct answer?
Thank you so much for this tutorial on hands we all are dealt, and can temporarily “ freeze” or forget what to do. You have a “ succinct” way of using few words, and teaching a great deal. Thank you so much.
I would splinter
I really liked this. I hope you do this again. elichtenfelt@yahoo.com susan
Thanks very useful commentary!
I enjoyed reading this article
Thank you we need more lessons of different hands to improve our bidding partnership
If 1NT-2D-2H-4NTis slam invite, then how do we ask keycards with H suit agreed?
Bid aces up the line eg. 5D denies ace of clubs
The 7
One way will go like this if you play Texas transfer:
1NT-4D-4H-4NT (Blackwood).
Blackwood 4Clubs
You don't need to ask!
1NT-2D-2H-4NTis slam invite, the how do we ask keycards with H suit agreed?
You don’t. You have no idea if you have a heart fit. Partner will decide the contract depending on their hand.
Very helpful article. My partner (husband) and I do use what we call trial bids after 1M 2M but I'd say our weakness is recognising when we should be in slam!
Well done
I never understood the help suit game try but your explanation was very easy to follow. Thank you.
Great article. Thank you. Sometimes I feel my partner and I are competing with each other not cooperating 😝
May I take a lesson or two on-line which incorporates slam bidding
Sharon Have you found on-line lessons for slam bidding? Reply to donnaruthe on BBO or dhbike58@gmail.com