Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #44

This conundrum was written by Eddie Kantar and was originally published in the book Kantar for the Defense - Volume 1 - you can find out all about it further down the page.

We are West.

Opening Lead: Q

Declarer wins the ♣A, leads a diamond to the queen, partner playing the 10, cashes the ♣K and ruffs a club. He continues with the ace and a heart. Are you counting?

At this point a low spade is led from dummy. Partner plays the ♠2 and declarer the ♠A. Declarer exits with the ♠9.

  1. What is declarer's distribution?
  2. Which spade do you play?

About the book

Kantar invites his reader to direct every play towards the goal of beating the contract in a variety of hands, bringing focus on counting tricks, points and distribution. Problems range from an intermediate to semi-advanced level and knowledge of basic card combinations is assumed. Each book concludes with a complete list of themes for its 100 problems.

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