Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #38

This conundrum was written by Danny Roth and was originally published in the book Better Declarer Play - Placing the Cards - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Question 1

West leads the ♠10 to his partner’s ♠K. You allow this to hold and duck again when East returns the ♠J, overtaken by West. On the third round, East discards the 5 as you win. How do you continue?

Question 2

East showed a natural weak two and West leads the J to East’s A. East returns the ♣8 to the ♣10, ♣J and ♣A. How do you continue?

About the book

The second book in Danny Roth’s intermediate-level series on declarer play, this book covers topics that, once mastered, will bring any intermediate player an immediate improvement in their scores. Topics include: placing the cards missing one honor, missing two honors, missing three honors, inferences from the defense and second-degree assumption. This book is designed to help you to get a more accurate picture of the unseen hands and thus avoid ‘wild guessing’; or, at least, improve your chances of avoiding unnecessary mistakes.

As always, the author’s clear exposition of his points is followed by a collection of quiz problems where the reader can test their understanding of this new-found knowledge.

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