November 2024 BBO Points Leaders

Congratulations to the top 30 BBO Point winners for November 2024. The BB$ prizes shown are on top of any regular prizes won. Well done everyone!

If you're looking to win more points try the BBO Daylong tournaments (Competitive -> Daylong Tournaments and look for the ones hosted by BBO). They award significantly more BBO Points than any other games.

November BBO Points Race Winners:
Rank Player Points Prize
1 K Zhenya__S 730.96 100 BB$
2 A usla 644.55 50 BB$
3 1 fchang 524.79 25 BB$
4 J RockFort 405.66 10 BB$
5 Q Super1963 401.11 10 BB$
6 K dvkr 398.93 10 BB$
7 42 m_l 392.34 10 BB$
8 82 willemm 388.16 10 BB$
9 K pijo5 376.46 10 BB$
10 K punxsyphil 358.24 10 BB$
11 Q gill 356.62 10 BB$
12 Q Gorge Zhu 352.69 10 BB$
13 K jhlindsey2 351.41 10 BB$
14 1 yuval10 350.21 10 BB$
15 J shark65 348.55 10 BB$
16 Q chan43 347.30 5 BB$
17 J gerbs5 338.65 5 BB$
18 Q adameba 338.44 5 BB$
19 42 nemtsev 337.63 5 BB$
20 K Leftfoot 314.63 5 BB$
21 K pink flag 313.14 5 BB$
22 1 terasak 312.92 5 BB$
23 93 stelios_t 309.29 5 BB$
24 46 tec1234 305.62 5 BB$
25 1 rv 304.14 5 BB$
26 Q 1hilik 303.48 5 BB$
27 K Mieszko I 300.17 5 BB$
28 1 Leo LaSota 288.12 5 BB$
29 Q zibeau 282.87 5 BB$
30 1 rops 281.17 5 BB$

Every month we reward the most fervent players with extra BB$ prizes. Click here to read about this month's BBO Points Race.

3 comments on “November 2024 BBO Points Leaders”

  1. How are they accumulating so many points? What is the secret? Are they playing and paying for tournaments all day every day? Someone please explain it to me. Thanks

    1. They are likely participating in many of our paid games, which award BBO points based on performance. We offer a wide variety of paid games, so they may be playing frequently and doing very well, achieving high scores and accumulating points quickly. 🙂

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