New Practice Games for Bridge Beginners

Exciting new games have been launched to help new players practice playing bridge. Whether you’re just starting out, or want to introduce friends, kids, or relatives to the game, these free games are the perfect way to begin.

7 Tricks Challenge: A Fun Way to Practice

This daily challenge features 8 pre-dealt boards that you can play at your own pace within 24 hours. Bidding is set at 1NT, and your goal is simple: take at least 7 tricks to earn a plus score. If you fall short, it’s a minus score. With a fresh challenge available every day, it’s a fun and free way to build confidence and skills.

Easy Bridge: A Gentle Introduction to Bridge

Looking for an easy and stress-free way to introduce someone to bridge? The Easy Bridge: Daily Beginner Challenge is the perfect place to start.

This free daily game features 8 pre-dealt boards where the bidding is already done and the contracts are simple to make. All you need to focus on is the card play and having fun. It’s a great way to enjoy bridge without the pressure.

Find these games under Competitive > Free Tournaments > type 'beginner' in the search box, or click here to go directly to the Free tournaments section.

32 comments on “New Practice Games for Bridge Beginners”

  1. The 7 trick challenge for beginners implies that 7 (or more) tricks are makeable. With robots making certain leads many of these hands will result in fewer tricks making a beginner feel they are doing something wrong.

  2. Very good for play Bridge. Maybe is not for "beginners", is for all who want to play. Some borda are difficult.

  3. On the Easy Bridge the bidding is shown for only a few seconds. Is there some way to look at the final bidding longer?

    1. You can click on the contract displayed on the left side of the table (or at the top if you’re using a phone) to view the bidding at any time.

      how to check bidding on BBO

    1. Hi Michael,
      I'm having the same problem of finding how to win these bids. When I go to results-I'm only seeing my movie-which did not make. Where are the recaps? Thanks for your help.

  4. what would be helpful is to see a recap of how the hands were played to win. For the life of me in several instances I fail to understand how hands actually make, let alone make 9 tricks!

  5. Thanks BBO. My wife is also a begiiner and she can't wait to log onto BBO every day to play in these special tournaments. Thanks very much!

  6. BBO you are still the very BEST! Always ahead with ideas, and this time also thinking of beginners like me. I greatly appreciate what you have done and now I have the confidence to play on these special games especailly designed for folks like me. Thank you so much!

  7. Thank you BBO for thinking of the beginners this way! I am a beginner and it has been very difficult for me to play in the Instant Tournaments and it is also very discouraging to always lose! Now at last I feel confident to be playing in these games and I have already played in them since yesterday. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🤗 👏 😘

  8. This is absolutely wonderful that you have designed these tournaments especially for beginners. Beginners cannot find such nice games for free anywhere else on the internet and so great that you have done this at last. A very big thank you!

  9. Many thanks for these two new daily games! They are challenging also for players with high skills. And indeed, I see my bridge students enjoy them, too!

  10. 7 tricks challenge. I would be interested in playing this but I can’t see how I might start the process. No link that I can easily see.

    1. Hi, to find these beginners games:
      you can login to BBO, then there's a section called 'Competitive', once there please choose 'Free tournaments' then on the search box type 'beginner'.

      Or you can click the link here to go straight away to the free tournaments section (login will be needed)

    1. Go to BBO, and click Competitive > Free Tournaments > type 'beginner' in the search box and you will see the two games.

      1. It would be helpful to post a recap of how the games were ultimately played to win. In many instances for the life of me I cannot figure out how some games make, let alone make 9. Thanks!

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