Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.
7 comments on “Test Your Bridge Skills #55”
The treatment that 4D is forcing and invites slam should've been disclosed. It is *not* standard--3D was not forcing, so why should 4D not be invitational?
Interesting 4Dia follow up: In europe we tend to show controls, even a king would be bid, the americans often only show aces as cuebids. I thk 5 club is a good bid and also 4 spade in the next1 but both must be discussed in advanve thx for the work janhamhurg
On 1 it is not super clear, but I think you should bid 5!C. You have good trumps and how partner should know to raise to 6 with Axxx AKx xxxx Qx over 5!D?
The treatment that 4D is forcing and invites slam should've been disclosed. It is *not* standard--3D was not forcing, so why should 4D not be invitational?
Interesting 4Dia follow up: In europe we tend to show controls, even a king would be bid, the americans often only show aces as cuebids. I thk 5 club is a good bid and also 4 spade in the next1 but both must be discussed in advanve thx for the work janhamhurg
I once scored poorly in Richard Pavlicek's contest when I thought that in hands 1/2 4D invites a slam. The field felt that it invites game only.
On 1 it is not super clear, but I think you should bid 5!C. You have good trumps and how partner should know to raise to 6 with Axxx AKx xxxx Qx over 5!D?
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