Hand of the day #192

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

In the quarter-finals of the 2000 Bermuda Bowl World Championships, put yourself in Jacek Romanski’s seat (East) and cover up the South and West hands to match wits with Zia as declarer.

Opening Lead: 4

Against three no-trump Kowalski led the spade four, promising a three-card suit, and Romanski had to decide on a plan. If his partner had a high diamond, the winning defense would be to duck the first or second spade to preserve communications. West would win his diamond to return a spade and let the defenders cash out for down one.

However, if declarer’s diamonds were solid (and the auction had suggested this might be so), then a different defense might be necessary. Romanski guessed very well when he elected to cash two top spades; Kowalski obediently gave suit preference for hearts on the second one by following with the spade seven, and Romanski shifted to a low heart away from his K-J. Kowalski lost no time in winning his ace and returning the suit, to cash out for down one.

In the other room South reached three no-trump by treating his hand as balanced while concealing his diamonds, making a one-no-trump overcall at his first turn. Now the defense stood no realistic chance of guessing what to do on a spade lead. East returned a low spade at trick two, so declarer finished up with 11 tricks and an 11-IMP gain.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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