Hand of the day #183

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

When this deal was originally published in the Daily Bulletin from the Spring National Tournament, the author asked every East-West pair who had commented after defending three no-trump, “Well, it’s cold!” to take a second look, and then apologize to Brigidda, the Goddess of Bridge.

Opening Lead: 5

In three no-trump South ducked the first spade, won East’s continuation of the spade three, and guessed well to knock out the club honors and claim 400. All declarer lost was the two clubs, the spade queen, and the fourth spade. So what’s the point of the hand? Declarer guessed correctly to play on clubs and not hearts — big deal.

All that is true, but East was asleep at the wheel. By counting the high-card points, he knows partner has precisely jack-fourth of spades, but he also knows that declarer can’t see through the backs of the cards. East should return the spade eight at the second trick, simulating a remaining doubleton, then hop up with the club ace at his first turn and play the spade six back.

Surely declarer’s best line now must be to take an immediate heart finesse before tackling clubs again, a line that would lead to immediate defeat if West had five spades and the club king. If the heart finesse loses and spades are 5-3 as expected, then declarer can revert to clubs and still succeed if East has the missing club honor. Unlucky! The losing heart finesse represents the defenders’ fifth winner.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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