Hand of the day #177

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Today’s deal exemplifies one of my favorite themes, which crops up here in two variations. No more clues — plan the play in four spades as South when West leads the heart two to East’s king.

Opening Lead: 2

The extra trick you could make by winning the ace and establishing the heart 10 is an illusion, because when West takes his heart queen, he will play a diamond through dummy’s king and put you back on what is at best a diamond guess. As the cards lie today, you cannot guess right.

However, you can in fact guarantee your game if you can keep West off lead. Duck the heart lead and win the continuation. That is necessary, but not sufficient. If you play the trump suit in mundane fashion (low to the jack, then the ace), West will regain the lead prematurely by ruffing the third club and can then deal you a mortal blow by shifting to diamonds to establish a fourth winner for his side.

The secret of the deal lies in making an avoidance play in both hearts and spades. Having ducked the first heart and won the second, you must run the spade queen from hand. West will cover, of course, and if either the nine or 10 falls from East, you cross back to hand with a heart ruff and play a spade to dummy’s eight, insuring you can keep West off lead for the duration of the hand.

Today this line yields an overtrick — a nice reward for your care and attention.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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One comment on “Hand of the day #177”

  1. My partners double I take as a support double, my Diamond King appears onside 1 loser, so I would compete to 3 Spades

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