Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #30

This conundrum was written by Mark Horton and was originally published in the book Misbid these hands with me - you can find out all about it further down the page.

During a Mixed Teams event where all the players are internationals, I pick up these cards as North. We are vulnerable, and the dealer is East.

♠ K Q 5 4 2 8 3 A Q 10 2 ♣ K 8

When my partner opens 2NT promising 19-20 points, I know we are in the slam zone. I start with a transfer bid of 3 and over partner’s 3♠, I introduce my second suit with 4. When all that elucidates from partner is a return to 4♠, I decide to ask for keycards with 4NT. Partner’s reply of 5 confirms she has the missing aces. If partner has both red kings and the ♣Q we may have a grand slam, but recalling the advice of Bob Hamman, ‘Never play me for the perfect hand,’ I content myself with 6♠, giving us this auction:

West leads the Q and this is what partner can see:

About the book

In 2007, Horton wrote Misplay These Hands with Me, a deliberate homage to Reese's classic, Play These Hands with Me. The difference was that the declarer in Horton's book always made an error, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. This successful book was the basis of a long-running column in the ACBL's Bridge Bulletin, a sequel in 2019, and earlier this year, Misdefend These Hands with Me. Now the same author turns to the topic of bidding, and once again gives the reader a chance to learn from someone else's mistakes. All the deals are taken from top-level play.

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