Hand of the day #174

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

It was Gordon Gecko who famously opined that greed was good. At the bridge table, just as in the stock market, you will sometimes find that bulls and bears make a living but pigs get slaughtered.

Opening Lead: 4

In today’s deal it was not uncommon for West to lead a low club against three no-trump. Despite the absence of a Stayman inquiry, leading from a moderate five-card minor is just as likely to work as leading from a chunky major.

And so it proved at many tables, when South decided to be a pig and ended up as bacon. When he played low from dummy at the first trick, East won his king and was not slow to shift to a heart. Declarer could not now avoid the further loss of three hearts and a diamond — down one.

Had declarer seen the risk, he might well have asked himself whether taking the finesse against the club king was really worth it. If he was prepared to give up on overtricks, he had a safe line for the contract. He simply rises with the club ace at trick one and goes after diamonds. With the club queen and 10 to acts as stoppers, there is no lie of the club suit that will give the defenders more than three tricks to go with their diamond ace. Thus declarer is sure to get to nine tricks before the defenders come to five winners.

Lead with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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4 comments on “Hand of the day #174”

  1. Not sure about this ,leading a low diamond trump rates to give up a natural trump trick with diamonds sitting over the diamond bid . I think I would have led a heart.

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