Got your 75 Silvers yet?
If you're en-route to Life Master you're most likely looking for a chance to win Silver Masterpoints®. Here’s your opportunity to win silver points and support your club at the same time!
How do I participate?
Simply play in your usual ACBL Virtual Club games or ACBL Clubhouse games during the week of September 30 - October 6, Monday-Sunday. You’ll earn 50% more Masterpoints® than in regular games, and they will all be SILVER instead of black!
How does Silver Linings Week work?
There's no need to change your schedule to participate in these games and no registration is required. Simply play in your usual Virtual Club or Clubhouse games to participate.
Just play in your usual ACBL Virtual Club games during this special week. Any points you win during this week will be upgraded to 150% Silver.
If you've fewer than 300 masterpoints, come and play a friendly game with peers in the ACBL Clubhouse - the inclusive bridge playing community.