Hand of the day #110

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Today’s deal, played by Tim Seres (1925-2007), truly deserves to be called a masterpiece.

Opening Lead: ♠K

When I was asked how I would play this deal in six hearts, I struggled to find a possible lie of the cards that might bring home the contract, knowing it was a problem, and seeing all four hands. Seres found the line at the table, looking only at his own hand and dummy.

Reaching slam was hardly mandatory — North had overbid. In primitive rubber style, the cue-bid followed by the raise to game should have promised an ace more than North actually had.

After the spade king was led to dummy’s ace, Seres saw he needed West to have two hearts and the doubleton club jack along with both top diamond honors. East’s small spade at the first trick suggested that he had three spades.

Seres cashed four rounds of hearts immediately, then took four rounds of clubs to shake the spade loser from his hand. In the four-card ending, North had a small spade and jack-third of diamonds, and declarer had a trump and ace-third of diamonds. But what four cards was West to keep?

To keep the diamonds properly guarded, West was compelled to reduce to only one spade. Reading the ending, Seres ruffed dummy’s spade to hand and exited with a low diamond. West won and was endplayed to lead away from his remaining diamond honor. Contract made!

Bid with the Aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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